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Thursday, December 31, 2020

NCITE / Insights Docs

  1. Museum of Police Activities 

  1. plasma
  2. .
    the colorless fluid part of blood, lymph, or milk, in which corpuscles or fat globules are suspended.
  3. 2.
    an ionized gas consisting of positive ions and free electrons in proportions resulting in more or less no overall electric charge, typically at low pressures (as in the upper atmosphere and in fluorescent lamps) or at very high temperatures (as in stars and nuclear fusion reactors).
    "the current passed through a column of plasma 


   Don't Try this at Home From #youtube ,. BBC 

Police Law  Enforcement was Fake Government with  military Tools.,./

Incites as an example,     Seek  and founders..

a Landmine of  explosives TNT  Chemical  Engine Options of A fireworks And Frud from Chemotherapy as  as a Yellow Solid  appearance of Blood And Guts Medical Results from Compound Of H2 SO4 Times O1 N of Formula NO2 Divide By HNO , Now Remember the Number 2 pencil of Formula Signature NO2 , , H2 Chemical Engineering Formula NO2 is A  

 side effects are Day Lights Burns / Sun Burns , Wash Burns .. 

Nuclear Power 

Helium Balloons, Isaac Neutron, Jimmie Neutron a Cartoon  Movie. 


 ,( BBC was Hell-boy Shuttle Bus Services - and it resulted  Doctor Who)

 Police Car was seen as  military and Fake Government . They took Prisoners .,/ ./.

Museum of Police Activities 

Tradis , Doctor Who was seen multiverse and under cyber space)


 Police  had Fake Government as  military , . 

Doctor Who Time Lines 

Museum of Police Activities 

, it's a Landmine of  explosives TNT  Chemical  Engine Options of A fireworks And Frud from Chemotherapy as  as a Yellow Solid  appearance of Blood And Guts Medical Results from Compound Of H2 SO4 Times O1 N of Formula NO2 Divide By HNO , Now Remember the Number 2 pencil of Formula Signature NO2 , , H2 Chemical Engineering Formula NO2 is A  


Nuclear Power 

Helium Balloons, Isaac Neutron, Jimmie Neutron a Cartoon  Movie. 

Nuclear Helium

 Traffic Proton Ratio ,  

A Neutron 

A Strong Force Of Gamma Emissions

X Rays and Helium Balloons is a Nuclear Radiation

Alpha Decay 

A Microwave 

A Z Times X., 

Spontaneous Fission


Beta Decay 

 Atom Atomic Is a Nuclear 

The 226 divide by 88 RA , The Nuclear , Formula

 Add Mn 

 RN  Add 4 divide by 2 a  Is 20  X Ray of Chemical Engineering Formula,.,.

The Police locked you in Jail and Class you with this as a PD Decay as a Capture Election  and Beta Decay. 

Dec.31 2020,  A explosions Bath bomb my  Friends and Family  House after Multiverse each year., ..  this happens every 2 weeks another Bully attacks of Cyber attacks .. And it Hurt Strangers , I did not to t  know the Strangers. Formula Moly 99 factor by 1 .

The Solution Agents  Of Beta Decay of Molybdenum 99

Moly 1 

FM 256 divide 💯  100

A PD by 47 divide by 118  is The Chemical Engineering Formula Signature

Add X ray Is a Nuclear Power plants Formula

This is Chemical Engineering Formula NO2 H2 SO4 


The FE

the x files Moly- TNT explosives of a Nuclear Radiation / fire works./ . Biohazard after fake Nurse , Biohazard after Fake Fire fighters . 

Neptune , Neptunium 

Synthetic Earth. 

10 Steps

11 steps

With a A Half of Life, 

And 2.14 Million Years Earth Decay in the Earth

the x files Moly- TNT explosives of a Nuclear Radiation / fire works./ . Biohazard after fake Nurse , Biohazard after Fake Fire fighters .

Definition of bio-hazard​​ : a biological agent or condition that is a hazard to humans or the environment also : a hazard posed by such an agent or condition / after  Plasma  is spilled also Blood spilled  bio-hazard​​  , vomits and flu with Blood of bleeds from  Flu is bio-hazard​​  ..

Needles are biohazard​​  ..

Plasma is superheated matter – so hot that the electrons are ripped away from the atoms forming an ionized gas. ... Just as a liquid will boil, changing into a gas when energy is added, heating a gas will form a plasma – a soup of positively charged particles (ions) and negatively charged particles (electrons)

 the X files Molar  of Synthetics Smokers  of this Compound  was Really a a Chemistry  of  TNT explosives of a Nuclear Radiation of A Bath Bomb reminders  from the Mall. 

fire works. 

    I Mind my Thinks for The Suggest, But No Thank you for sharing your Wealth with Your     Rich Spending on Being Being a Copy Cat of The Doctor who Police Box of Tradis Car. Your Rich Taste for Red Wine is A Bloody Con Artist Such as your Selves.,. does Your Books Sell Gouls and Ghost. No One Put you On The TV Shows  please don't Try this at Home from Youtube My Doctor who Police Box Tradis Car.,And your Watching Your Horror story meet my Front Page ain't your Central Park in New York City. Why ain't you all English .

 Check out a Scientists, and then Read the Bible about Earth., Where's the Earthquake? It's attached to #Covid. Here's the Cloning Progress report Of News Reporters and News Reports. 

Be Aware of Bath Bomb As an Reminder. 

Cloning Gens  of Protein , 

  httpss:// will the Numbers Get Smaller from the Fake Government. Or are We loving it.  Eminem Toy Soldier.,. And#revamp  

DATA  Miles of Moral , The Moral  of the Story  Don't  Try at Home.,.

GOT reached  By Ancient  Mountains 

incite Documentaries  , Docs  of Incite ,


Translations  is As for example  Arts insights,  Knowledge  is Power as supposed ..

Incite was Translation of Arts Insights

Student  films,  Free Tutorials.  Free Sessions and  Tutoring , incites  inciting..,. Free English language  Art learning  through  the Bible  of context.,the Bible,   the Text book.  Inciting    , , , , Incites as an example, you will Seek  /_  art insights as an Translations From Germany  Russian And European languages arts as Europe was Known as Englishman from Spain .,.

  Documents  , Documentation,  Documentaries  , Documentary  stories of Paranormal Incites ,. Documentaries .

Peep Talks,  Tradis My Dinosaurs , Dial  1 800 Free Collect  Call.,. it's a Ghost  phone call. 

 1 800 free 411.

Bath Bomb was the Reminders  and graffiti of Robots .

Monday, December 28, 2020

Marvel , Criticize Paperwork


 A Pride of Shame, Also Known as a Social Label, without the Style and Profile to Dismiss, but it's only Got a Touch if A Painters Workshop, But the Charts of the Marvel Worksheets was a Good Blue Prints, to Shattered Ideas as a Example of Social Labels, But come to Find out there's anything in the Events to be Told by another side of Another Storytime.,

Marvel , Criticize Paperwork

Pride Like The World is Saved, Marvel Worlds Had a competitive set Back to the Logic Tech to the Dirt Roads of Making it Happen at Marvel, another Link Digging a Museum's Mounmet to Move The Moonlight if it didn't save a Soul that Swims out if Struggling Aftermath.

But with the Apple Store and Nokia of the Logic Tech To be Enough Device to Keep a Social Label from a Museum's Mounmet in the Light Years of an Artifact that Ancient Native Super Human resolve from.

A Good Excuse from Scientists and the bible to Display Advancs beyond The Media of the Web being updated From. It's Hell Frozen Over with a Microwave as a Nuck Taco., A Nuck Sky Fell from the Hell's of Earth because Jeuse walked on waters and Dies for sinners

, A Nuckural Aftermath During the Nuclear Under Ground Shelters, But you can Nuck Taco in The Microwave, and The Under Ground Nuclear Shelters was the Under Ground Malls before it Happens ,. Natural Nature Was the Framers Marketplace And The Goat gave Milk to Poor Income and Needs,. ,

And The Winter Cough Surpe, Was the Medical Nerds to Have Near a Sports Injury for the Hurger and Medical Needs of Many reasons why Social Labels Got the Best Of the Ironic Years.

A Bad Reputation Leads To A Laughing Shame if the Social Labels was Not forgotten about Forgiveness.

Marvelous Marvel, a Eye Unseen


  Pink ponies and purple giraffes roamed the field. Cotton candy grew from the ground as a chocolate river meandered off to the side. What looked like stones in the pasture were actually rock candy. Everything in her dream seemed to be perfect except for the fact that she had no mouth.

heard the loud impact before he ever saw the result. It had been so loud that it had actually made him jump back in his seat. As soon as he recovered from the surprise, he saw the crack in the windshield. It seemed to be an analogy of the current condition of his life.

She nervously peered over the edge. She understood in her mind that the view was supposed to be beautiful, but all she felt was fear. There had always been something about heights that disturbed her, and now she could feel the full force of this unease. She reluctantly crept a little closer with the encouragement of her friends as the fear continued to build. She couldn't help but feel that something horrible was about to happen.

The red glint of paint sparkled under the sun. He had dreamed of owning this car since he was ten, and that dream had become a reality less than a year ago. It was his baby and he spent hours caring for it, pampering it, and fondling over it. She knew this all too well, and that's exactly why she had taken a sludge hammer to it.

She's asked the question so many times that she barely listened to the answers anymore. The answers were always the same. Well, not exactly the same, but the same in a general sense. A more accurate description was the answers never surprised her. So, she asked for the 10,000th time, "What's your favorite animal?" But this time was different. When she heard the young boy's answer, she wondered if she had heard him correctly.

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Marvel, A Free Ride In Life

 A Free Ride in Life time,

A Pride to Protect and Up hold, Raise The corn bread for Days and Hours become a Minute in life., Monster is Free, Mishaps is Free, Hot Rain is Free, Freezing Rain, is Free, Haters is Free in life,. A Ride to Overcome the Struggle is a Poster Child.

Marvel at its wits End., The Mood of a Frog and The Price Prince charming it become after a Magic Hug from all the Strife, the Price of a Free Ride in Life ,

But look back to Seeing what People had to do in order to Have that renamed ona Shoulder to Lean on.

A Free Ride in Life Cost Time and Pain., Marvel is Shady ,

Come here in shady's World,. It's Poping a License to drive that Free Ride in Life.,

Trigger a Mood to Square Dance the Emotional Reached Peck's of A Shady World Certified by Oracle and Bounce by GameStop Bounty's Selves.

Marvel Can't be your Supermarket, Marvel Can't be the Ring you Want or the Broken Promise You Fix back Together.

Marvel is shady, Come here in shady's World.

Let The Letter Head Touch what the Resume Others can't Have.

Marvel ain't Saving The Day Times times, Marvel ain't foot work to Attend.,

Maybe Marvel has the Shady's World to Grow., A Pony is a Good Ride.